Tuesday, March 16, 2010


What an amazing device! Sit it on a counter or hang it on a wall - it's small and kills bacteria, viruses, mold and fungus literally out of the air utilizing nanotechnology. It covers 2000 square feet of space and does not require any maintenance for about 3 years. Even then, all you have to do is order the replacement kit and plug it in - no cleaning filters!

Watch the video at Nature's Sunshine: www.naturessunshine.com/boomerang

There is also a test kit available where you may test your air in your home or office. Can you imagine a doctor's office that handles children - how effective this device could be! After using the Boomerang, re-test the air and confirm the results.

To order go to: www.mynsp.com/aboutlife

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hydrogen Deficiency

Once the moisture-assimilating capability of the body is lost, it is difficult to restore. Only water carrying foods, liquids and an almost completely fluid diet is required to revitalize the organism. In younger patients it is notable, but once individuals become elderly, the effects are only partial.

The deficient body cannot assimilate water, fatty nutrients and the body lacks material which is vital to joints, marrow, nerves, brain, auditory structures and other body parts in need of lubrication for optimum movement. Some signs of Hydrogen deficiency are: Dehydration; Emaciation; Crampy tendons; Appetite for salty food; Irritability; Dry/Wrinkled Skin; Lack of perspiration; Gout; Arthritis; Excess body heat and Shrinkage of the liver.

Even though liquids are the highest in hydrogen, there are certain foods that are also high in hydrogen. Here are a few:

Apricots; Asparagus; Blackberries; Blueberries; Broccoli; Brussel Sprouts; Cabbage; Carrots; Celery; Chard; Cherries; Eggplant; Guavas; Horseradish; Mangos; Muskmelon; Okra; Papaya; Parsley; Peaches; Pineapple; Prunes; Pumpkin; Radishes; Rutabaga; Sauerkraut; Spinach; Squash; Strawberries; Tomatoes; Turnips; Watercress; Watermelon

Taken from "The Chemistry of Man" 2nd Ed. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D.

Suggested Nature's Sunshine product: "Chlorophyll"


Friday, March 5, 2010

Green Food

Wow, it's been awhile since my computer worked! Sorry about the break. It's nice to be back in action after totally re-loading my operating system on a computer that is barely one year old!

Green Food - Brussels Sprouts; Zucchini; Broccoli; Avocado; Green Peas; Spinach; Romaine Lettuce; Kale - DO YOU EAT THESE? Most do not - especially in fresh local form!

Nature's Sunshine gives us the green we need in a variety of choices:

"Chlorophyll" - keep a pitcher of tea made from this in the fridge for constant use
"Green Zone, Ultimate" - packed with green - take 4 a day and get your daily requirement
"Green Zone, Ultimate Powder" - mix in a glass of water or juice

What does it do? Gives one sharp vision and superhuman healing abilities! Studies show that Chlorophyll plays important roles in stimulating growth of new tissue and hindering bacteria growth (taken from "Eat This, Not That" by David Zinczenko with Matt Goulding).
